Admission Criteria

Admission Procedure
Admissions are made every year normally in August. A Candidate seeking admission to any courses of training must get his/her name registered by submitting a duly completed ‘REGISTRATION AND ADMISSION APPLICATION FORM’, prescribed by the institute along with necessary documents.
Specific dates are fixed annually in accordance with the Training course schedule indicated in the prospectus issued by the Directorate of Technical Education Rajasthan, Jodhpur.
The principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate without assigning any reason what so ever, irrespective of his/her meeting the requirements for admission.
In accordance with the rules of the Directorate of Technical Education Rajasthan the Institute may also admit supernumerary candidates, to provide for any possible dropouts, to the limit of 30% of the authorized seats.
The particulars or part of that given by the candidate if found incorrect, the candidate can be expelled from Institute.
The Documents to be attached with filled Admission Application Form.
Latest Passport size Photograph (6 Nos.)
Original Mark sheet of 10th class and 4 nos. photocopies of the same (for all Trades)
Original Caste Certificate and attested 4 nos. photocopies of the same.
Original State Domicile Certificate and attested 4 nos. photocopies of the same.
The Candidate should have attained the age of 15 years but should not be more than 40 years on 1st August of the admission year.
a)   The Candidate should be mentally and physically fit and should meet the minimum physical standards prescribed by this institute and the Directorate of Technical Education, as applicable.
b)   The Candidate should not be suffering from any infections of contagious disease, or any physical deficiency or deformity which makes him/her unsuitable for the trade he/she wishes to join.
Admission Criteria - Merit Basis
By percentage of Marks in qualifying examination.

Name of Trade under (NCVT)

Duration of Training

Eligibility Qualification


2 Years




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