
S. No.



Year of Passing

Organization Name

Salary On Joining







I) Details of Placement Cell

Placement Officer Name- Mr. XXXX

Contact No.- ………………………………….

Email- …………………………………………

II) Placement Record of the Trainees during last five years. (Year Wise)


Roll No



Year of Passing

Organizati on Name

Salary on Joining









 Main Objectives

1. Ensure employment & self employment to all trainees

2. Skill gap mapping & providing skill gap training to make trainees employable

Functions of

1.       Organize campus interviews for recruitment of trainees

2.       Maintain details of all trainees

3.       Collect the requirements of skilled workforce of industries 

4.       Provide counseling & career guidance to trainees by professionals & experts.

5.       Do skill gap mapping & provide skill gap training to trainees

6.       Keep track of the passed out trainees till they are employed  at least for  3 years

7.       Conduct survey in industries to find out employment potential.

8.       Work like employment Exchange

9.       Publicity Centre of Excellence scheme.

Role & responsibilities

1.       Maintain record / follow-up register of all trainees admitted from Aug 2006 session - whether employed / self      employed / gone for higher education

2.        Maintain record of industries/ Employing Govt. organization

3.       Organize campus interviews, recruitment fairs

4.       Inform all passed out trainees about the recruitment fairs organized by Govt. / Semi Govt./ Pvt. Organization time to time

5.       Arrange seminar and workshop regularly for counseling & vocational guidance & employment opportunities

6.       Display paper cuttings or notices about vacancies

7.       Help the trainees to prepare CV

8.       Organize workshop with the help of by DIC / MCED/ MITCON/ Banks/Development Corporations.

9.       Organize EDP training

10.   Organize training program to improve interview skills, personality Development, Soft     skill etc.

11.   Keep track of passed out trainees at least for 3 years

12.   Arrange on the Job Training and industrial visits for trainees

13.   Facilitate for overseas employment

14.   Conduct survey to find employment potential

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